Times of India is at it again! Looks like its not only just a newspaper, they also must have a franchise with all pubs and night clubs in Bangalore! Or they just need more photos of drunkards on Page 3 of their Bangalore Times.
A little background needed right? So there's this city called Mangaluru. Some stupid organization sent their people to go thrash all the girls and guys who had decided to skip college and go gulp some beer and dance away releasing their 'tension'. Taking law into their own hands ... these people from this conservative organization goes on a rampage slapping and verbally assaulting every girl they find inside the club or whatever! And fingers are being pointed against this organization, the police, the government and the judicial system.
Point taken! You don't go thrash a girl like that ... c'mon ... you got to respect a girl ... nobody gets the right to treat anyone like that. And if these conservative organizations think they can prevent 'westernization' of Indian culture by thrashing women and rampaging shops that sell Valentine's Day greeting cards ... that's the stupidest thing i have ever heard! There's a right way to do everything ... and violence is never a solution. Its never a permanent solution, let me put it this way.
So feminists who have been jobless until now jump into the foray with their placards (the same placards which they use every year - we demand our rights!) ... BJP attacks Congress ... Congress attacks BJP ... and the Dal attack everyone else ... and when no one's looking ... go and wreck every developmental work that's going on in the state. The police behave just like how they are shown in the movies ... and every important person gets bail even before he applies for one (what do i hear about Sanjay Dutt and elections ... isn't he supposed to be in jail with Salman Khan?).
And papers like Times of India search their archive sections to borrow sentences like - 'In New York, you can go pubbing at 2-30am ... in Bangalore, you have to wind up by 11-30pm' ... and reprint them again and again and again until they find another controversy ... or a statistic which proves that Times of India is the most read paper in the southern part of north-eastern Bangalore.
Ok ... and I represent the very typical Bangalore citizen ... who has devoted 5 paragraphs just to complain! So what really is the root of the problem here? I, for myself, still am not able to understand how one can find relaxation in a dark place with bizarre lighting ... combined with smoke, drinks, half-dressed girls, all happening at an unearthly hour ... when all the body needs is some good and sound sleep. I wouldn't go with the notion that all of these are'nt a part of our culture so we must protest! What's culture in the first place ... its your way of living your life. And if you think all the above is your way of life ... so be it ... as long as you don't drink and drive ... or get involved in a rape incident ... or be robbed. Not everything about the 'western' culture is bad ... we are just adopting the wrong principles ... that's all. Being polite is a part of western culture ... so why don't we take that? Being more honest is too ... but why do we choose discotheques instead?
And saying that we are gonna go pubbing till 2am ... if something unlawful happens ... its the police who's gotta take care of it ... is the most arrogant and uncivilized statement i have heard ... and Times of India has the audacity to print all of these. Its like a girl saying "I'm gonna walk alone in the middle of the ring road at 2am ... and if anything happens to me ... the police are to blame" ... is that how it works? Our world hasn't become that safe as yet ... so until then, I strongly believe prevention is far more better than waiting for problems to happen.
Personally ... i don't see anything wrong with restrictions on closure timings of clubs and discotheques. The influences of an alien culture can never be held by force. The more force you apply, the more barriers it breaks to express itself. Perhaps, if those girls in Mangalore had been thrashed by their parents instead ... it would have been more appropriate. But again, its each person's way of thinking ... culture is customized to each person's thinking ... they and their parents are the best judge of what lifestlyle they need to lead ... no other person can ever have a right to decide my lifestyle. So, there is no iota of doubt that those people involved in this incident should be thrown behind the bars and the keys thrown into the sea. And as far as Times of India is concerned ... even though it remains my favorite paper ... it must be a paper that spreads rightful thoughts ... not act like an immature teenager who believes wearing torn jeans and wild nights are 'in' ... i have no clue what the other papers are reporting ... pretty much the same I guess in their desperate attempts to ape Times of India ... what do you think?
Thanx dude.... I got a topic !!!!
MAN-GAL-ore !!!!! (Man & Gal are still holding hands) LOL
Nice one Suhas!
Though I like Times Of India, its behaviour of acting like the lone crusader batting for the pub culture in Bangalore really sucks!
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