After the first semester draws to a close ... and all hell breaks loose when Americans begin jumping from one pub into another ... I beg to differ! I have made my own list of ten commandments I shall strictly abide to ... this spring semester and for the rest of my life.
- Thou shalt not copy Biostatistics assignments from anybody else
- Thou shalt not mail thy lab professor from Starbucks that "i'm very busy studying and hence cannot come to lab"
- Thou shalt not oversleep (like i did in fall sem and missed every Dr. Finegold lecture)
- Thou shalt not have any more crushes on genetic counselors
- Thou shalt not take color prints of Jessica Alba from thy lab
- Thou shalt learn to comb thy hair more neatly (every day of my fall semester was a 'bad-hair day')
- Thou shalt try to forget Sophia
- Thou shalt grow more taller like most other Americans
- Thou shalt not each french fries or drink hot chocolate any more
- Thou shalt not follow any of the above commandments!
Well ... sorry to have wasted your time :-)
glad to know it finally came back to you :) I guess whats meant to be is meant to be! And I hope you dont get to a point where you need my extra sim card again!
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