Ever since I have set foot into US soil ... one question has continuously bothered me. What the heck shall I eat? I very soon realized my definitions of food and the definitions here were very different. Vegetarians were still considered mythological people ... and I had to even ask them if the drinking water they serve was purely vegetarian or did they consider fancy to mix it with beef powder !
Of course ... Indian stores like Bombay Mart saves my intestines from getting absorbed as food ... but a meal plan ... oh that was what I badly needed. Especially for afternoons. I started off with making Puliyogare a day ... tomato baath another ... and lemon rice a third day ... and then repeat the cycle. This was a terrible idea. The complexity of the dish and the number of vessels I need to wash in the end are directly proportional. And although my Puliyogare tasted better than the one given in SV Temple (which sucks actually!) ... the plan just failed outright.
Making chapatis was another long-term project I decided to take up. But then after keeping the dough in the refrigerator for a day ... it changed beyond recognition into a soot-like mass of sticky charcoal-type slushy fungus. Plan dropped!
My 3rd idea was skipping lunch outright. To beat the hunger, I substituted food with flavored yoghurt and a banana. This worked fine ... except for the fact that I was so hungry in the evening that I could eat a penguin. To beat this hunger, I sped off to Scaife, grabbed a box of fries and hot cocoa mix ... and gobbled up with greed. And for those who know me well enough, Suhas never shares his fries (Suhas never shares any of his food mostly ... unless he hates it). Fries and chocolate everyday ... my room-mate soon saw my paunch ... aka protruding abdomen.
Now i've hit upon uncooked chapatis (courtesy Bombay Mart) ... let's see how long this works. Anyways, I have friends good enough to share their food ... invite me over for lunch/dinner regularly ... or come over and cook at my place.
My roomie's gone off for thanksgiving. I was so sure I'd stop eating ... no no, not coz I don't eat when my sweet-heart's not around ... but it gets so bugging to cook for myself. But surprise surprise! I have been eating a lot more than I usually do ... either our relationship is not working out ... or else I have realized the importance of giving exercise to my digestive enzymes. And above all ... very soon I am expecting some banana chips to come my way. How or why don't ask me ... but when banana chips are with me ... all my meal plans go to hell! That's my dinner, my lunch, and breakfast. And no, i don't share banana chips too :-)
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