01 September 2009

7th std. gets a little frightening. The entire class stood in a line. It would be a random blast. Anybody could be picked. It could be him. Or the one next to him. It could be her. Maybe the girl next to me. Heck! It could be me too. It was that time of the year in school where you could not pick the person with whom you want to sit next to ... everything would be pre-determined ... by the class teacher of course.

7th std. gets unconventional. With the class strength being small, and the number of girls being relatively higher, it would naturally be one guy sitting in between two girls. Up till 6th standard, I would have probably puked at this idea... somehow in 7th std., something had changed. I had stopped looking at the opposite sex as something slimy and sluggish and one that needs to be gotten rid off with immediate effect. Something had changed within me.

7th std. gets flakier. Most of the girls knew where their seating was. The guys had to be picked. Maybe I'd be put next to 'A' - she was a lethal combination of beauty and brains. Maybe I'd be put next to 'M' ... heavens! I'd be ridiculed for the rest of my life if I was put next to 'M'. And as I tried to determine what games fate tried to play with me, my name was called. A ringing sound ... loud and clear ... "Hey you! Get your bag and go sit between P and G". The rest was history...

7th std. gets me too flipped out. Amidst all my calculations... I had totally forgotten about 'P'. She was the heart throb of the class! I was way out of the league to sit next to her ... and yet here I am ... dragging by bag full o' books and walking towards her. It took some courage actually to sit down ... what if she screams ... what if she gets up and shouts that she doesn't want to be seated next to me ... what if she cries ... she did nothing of that sort ... except smile and said a 'Hi'. 'G' whom I hadn't really talked to before... at least not so much... would later go on to be absolute fun and I cherish the one year sitting next to her too. At the same time, I'm sure I made quite a few enemies sitting next to 'P'.

7th std. gets more ludicrous. That's when the shorts have gotten the shortest... reaching their threshold. Dads usually say... "Listen, its just one more year... then you'll have pants from 8th... manage this year son". 'Manage' they say... but sitting in between two girls, one of them who's drop dead gorgeous, how would it feel to hang around with tiny little shorts ... long enough not to be called an underwear ... and short enough to expose your bare hairy legs with bruises (that you got from playing football with the high school team) ?

7th std. still gets whackier. What's with the broken voice? And hair below the nose? And on other unmentionable places? I roughly estimated that I must have about hundred hair follicles in my mustache region... so if I can pluck off three hairs a day ... in about three months ... I should be mustache-free! "Just shave it off" you say... but its taboo-ish at home!

7th std. gets barmier. Its the love season. Crushes with class-mates and junior girls are more than common. The species whom until then we classified along with the nematodes and insecta, now appear extremely cute (especially when they laugh... boy! They can surely floor you with their smile).

Its a weird phase of life after all... a mix of puberty and liberty...

7th std. eventually gets memorable. In all of our lives...


Gurpreet Sohal said...

Now i wanna know, who are 'P', 'G' and 'M' :)

The 'Ekaangi' said...

You already know them dude... you know all three of them!