24 July 2009

Home... it just brings a smile on our face.

Its where you want to go after having a stressful day at work. Its where you want to go at the end of a fun day hanging out with friends. Its where our roots are. Its where our hearts lie.

Its where we had sleep-overs with friends, made tea, watched a movie - everyone wrapped in a single blanket, lights off. Its where we spent the night chatting... discussing everything - from aspirations to fantasies, about puberty and about love.

Its where we made teams and fought over midnight games. Its where we gossiped about all those who weren't around. Its where we grouped and vented our frustrations. Its where we comforted each other... asked each other to just 'hang in there'.

Its where we tried out our new recipes... tested whether our smoke alarm works. Its where we over-slept; tucked our heads under the pillow even as the clock struck 12 on a Sunday morning. Its where we cheered ourselves up with some good music on a Monday as we buckled up our belt. Its where we sat and watched the daylight fading as we sipped some ginger tea.

Its where we battled through leaking roofs, faulty flushes, broken windows and flying insects. Its where we laughed over our fates and joked about our situations. Its where we fought against recurring homesickness and mounting frustrations... its where we celebrated our joys and glittered in our achievements.

Its where we spent our first year in Pittsburgh. Its where we spent our first year in America. Our first home. Behind all those cracking walls lies a place which was nothing short of heaven to us. Walking down centre avenue to 4720, through the dark corridors into apartment 1E ... is our home. It just brings a smile on our face.

We are really gonna miss you a lot!


sandeep said...


Mancy said...

hey suhas..nice post..made me nostalgic too..i am going through the same phase right now..gonna leave college gardens soon.. :(

Unknown said...

Hey Suhasu,
Its reminding me of the days we spent together with all our cousins in Arsikere. There are still 4 years. So enjoy a lot.


shreya gopal said...

this is silly!! u ll miss a place which sucked.. lobos owes u one..

The 'Ekaangi' said...

Oh yeah? Who came to 4720 and vented out all her frustrations about the whole world? How can you talk like this about our temple?

Anonymous said...

Nice poem.
I thought ur missing ur hous in india?